State Consultant for School-Based Speech-Language Pathology Services
Contact information for various state organizations, resource agencies and education cooperatives. Send suggestions to shelly.wier@arkansas.gov. (Underlined = Weblinked)
Arkansas Children's Hospital Audiology & Speech Pathology Dept.
To make an appointment: Call 501-364-4319 and choose the appropriate # when prompted
To leave a message for a specific audiologist or speech language pathologist, call 501-364-4568 or email audiospeech@archildrens.org
To connect with the EARS (outreach) program at AR Children's, call 501-680-2718 or email ears@archildrens.org
Arkansas Department of Education
Alternate Methods of Instruction (AMI)
Arkansas School Performance Report Cards
Assessments for Students with Disabilities
Curriculum Framework Documents
Commissioner of Education: Johnny Key - 501-682-4204 or Johnny.Key@arkansas.gov
Deputy Commissioner of Education: Ivy Pfeffer - 501-6824205 or Ivy.Pfeffer@arkansas.gov
Assistant Commissioner, Learning Services: Stacy Smith - 501-683-4800 or Stacy.Smith@arkansas.gov
Director, Student Support Services: Lisa Tyler - 501-682-0652 or Lisa.Tyler@arkansas.gov
Dyslexia Specialist: Vicki King - 501-682-3213 or Vicki.King@arkansas.gov
Educator Licensure: Melissa Jacks - 501-682-4342 or ade.educatorlicensure@arkansas.gov
English Learners: Tricia Kerr - 479-267-7450 or Tricia.Kerr@arkansas.gov
ESEA Flexibility: Deborah Coffman - 501-682-5891 or Deborah.Coffman@arkansas.gov
R.I.S.E. Arkansas: Kathy Mascuilli - 501-683-2922 or Kathy.Mascuilli@arkansas.gov
RTI Arkansas: Tiah Frazier - 501-319-7333 or Tiah.Frazier@arkansas.gov
RTI Behavior Coordinator: Becky Cezar - 501-319-7333 or Becky.Cezar@arkansas.gov
RTI Literacy Coordinator: Crystal Bethea - 501-319-7333 or Crystal.Bethea@arkansas.gov
Arkansas Department of Education, Special Education Unit
Special Education Director: Matt Sewell - Matt.Sewell@arkansas.gov
CIR/CUIT Referrals: Susan Chapman - slchapman@clintoncable.net
Curriculum and Assessment: Robin Stripling - 501-682-4221 or Robin.Stripling@arkansas.gov
Data, Research and Policy Analyst: Jody Fields - 501-683-7219 or jafields@ualr.edu
Coordinator, Early Childhood SPED: Wendy Pascoe - (501) 682-4321 or Wendy.Pascoe@arkansas.gov
Fiscal Support Supervisor: Kim Vogt - 501-682-4295 or Kim.Vogt@arkansas.gov
Monitoring & Program Effectiveness: Yvonne Greene - 501-682-4222 or Yvonne.Greene@arkansas.gov
Non-Traditional Programs: Kristin Hughes - 501-682-4225 or Kristin.Hughes@arkansas.gov
Policy and Regulations: Jared Hogue- 501-682-4291 or Jared.Hogue@arkansas.gov
Dispute Resolution: Rick Porter - 501-682-4283 or Rick.Porter@arkansas.gov
Special Program Development: Lisa Johnson - 501-683-5606 or Lisa.Johnson@arkansas.gov
State Systemic Improvement Plan Coordinator: Jeff Adams - 501-683-3745 or Jeff.Adams@arkansas.gov
Technical Assistance Providers
Arkansas Education Service Cooperatives
Arch Ford Education Service Cooperative (Plumerville)
Early Childhood - 501-354-2269, ext. 1030 or tina.rooks@archford.org
Teacher Center - 501-354-2269, ext. 1025 or marilyn.johnson@archford.org
Arkansas River Education Service Cooperative (Pine Bluff)
Early Childhood - 870-534-0135 or jamesw@aresc.k12.ar.us
Teacher Center - 870-534-6129 or walkerm@aresc.k12.ar.us
Crowley's Ridge Education Service Cooperative (Harrisburg)
Early Childhood - 870-578-0310 or cmorrison@crmail.k12.ar.us
Teacher Center - 870-578-5426 or dbessee@crmail.k12.ar.us
Dawson Education Service Cooperative (Arkadelphia) - 870-246-3077
Arkansas Local Education Agency Resource Network (ARLEARN)
Early Childhood - 870-246-3077 or shannon.leathers@dawsonesc.com
Teacher Center - 870-246-3077, ext. 121 or bethn@dawsonesc.com
DeQueen/Mena Education Service Cooperative (Gillham)
Early Childhood - 870-386-2251 or diana.hicks@dmesc.org
Teacher Center - 870-386-2251 or deb.young@dmesc.org or crystal.willey@dmesc.org
Great Rivers Education Service Cooperative (Helena/West Helena)
Early Childhood - 870-338-6461 or hwhaley@greatrivers.net
Teacher Center - 870-338-6461 or sgrissom@greatrivers.net
Northcentral Arkansas Education Service Cooperative (Melbourne)
Early Childhood - 870-962-2223 or sandy.massey@northcentralcoop.org
Teacher Center - 870-581-3600 or mark.gipson@northcentralcoop.org
Northeast Arkansas Education Service Cooperative (Walnut Ridge)
Early Childhood - 870-886-3212, ext. 2031 or mdurham@nea.k12.ar.us
Teacher Center - 870-886-7717 or acarlton@nea.k12.ar.us
Northwest Education Service Cooperative (Farmington)
Early Childhood - 479-267-5960 or cmick@starfishnw.org
Teacher Center - 479-267-7450 or msanders@starfishnw.org
Ozarks Unlimited Resource Education Service Cooperative (Harrison)
Early Childhood - 870-429-9126 or Lannab@oursc.k12.ar.us
Teacher Center - 870-429-9100 or kfowler@oursc.k12.ar.us
South Central Education Service Cooperative (Camden) - 870-836-1600
Early Childhood - 870-836-1615 or karla.brian@scscoop.org
Teacher Center - 870-836-1627 or karen.mcmahen@scscoop.org
Southeast Arkansas Education Service Cooperative (Monticello)
Early Childhood - 870-367-4816 or michele.sadler@searkcoop.com
Teacher Center - 870-367-6848 or rhonda.mullikin@searkcoop.com or christelle.haddox@searkcoop.com
Southwest Arkansas Education Cooperative (Hope)
Early Childhood - 870-777-3076 or karen.massey@swaec.org
Teacher Center - 870-777-3076 or monica.morris@swaec.org
Wilbur D. Mills Education Service Cooperative (Beebe)
Early Childhood - 501-882-3852 or sheidelberg@wilbur.k12.ar.us
Teacher Center - 501-882-3852 or lhayes@wilbur.k12.ar.us
Guy Fenter (formerly Western) Arkansas Education Service Cooperative (Branch)
Early Childhood - 479-965-2191, ext. 275 or tisha.ousley@wscstarfish.com
Teacher Center - 479-965-2191 or cheryl.ziglar@wscstarfish.com
Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care
Medicaid Review Helpline - 479-573-7784
Retrospective Therapy Review: Jarrod McClain - 479-649-8501 or jmcclain@afmc.org
Little Rock: 501-212-8600
Fort Smith: 479-649-8501
Medicaid Managed Care Services Provider Outreach
National Provider Identifier (NPI) Information
Occupational, Physical, and Speech Therapy Services Provider Manual
Proposed Rules for Public Comment
Arkansas School for the Deaf (ASD)
Audiology Department- 501-324-9512
Outreach Support Services - 501-324-9522
Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ArkSHA)
State Education Advocacy Liaison (SEAL): Carol Fleming - cbflem@swbell.net
State Advocate for Reimbursement (STAR): Cheri Stevenson - cheri@accessgroupinc.org
Easter Seals Arkansas - info@eastersealsar.com
Center for Training and Wellness (CTW) - 501-367-1200 or ctw@eastersealsar.com
Children's Rehabilitation Center (CRC) - 501-219-4000 or crcinfo@eastersealsar.com
Outreach Training Center (ESO) - 501-227-3770 or outreachprogram@eastersealsar.com
Technology and Curriculum Access Center (TCC)
In Session: 501-682-6211
Out of Session: 501-682-7771
In Session: 501-682-2902
Out of Session: 501-682-6107
University SLP Programs
Arkansas State University Communication Disorders Program
Harding University Communication Science and Disorders Program - csd@harding.edu
Ouachita Baptist University Communication Sciences and Disorders Department
UALR/UAMS Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology
University of Central Arkansas Communication Sciences and Disorders