State Consultant for School-Based Speech-Language Pathology Services
Check here to review suggested articles, professional research, books, videos, and other materials.
You can also view and download forms and documents and review archived workshop presentations.
This page provides a link to the loan library spreadsheet, which will allow you to view items for loan and their availability.
Please email any suggested items to ______________..
[NOTE: These suggestions are for information purposes only. They do not imply endorsement on my part of specific materials or practices, nor do I receive any type of incentive, reward, or reimbursement for sharing this information.]

Posts to this page come from review of professional journals, various newsletters, publisher announcements, web resources, and suggestions by others. Have you been informed or inspired by something you read lately?
Please email any information you'd like to suggest to ______________..
[NOTE: These suggestions are for information purposes only. They do not imply endorsement on my part of specific materials or practices, nor do I receive any type of incentive, reward, or reimbursement for sharing this information.]
Posts to this page come from review of available podcasts about words, language, neurology, schools, science, and suggestions by others. Have you been informed or inspired by something you've heard lately?
Please email any podcasts you'd like to suggest to ______________..
[NOTE: These suggestions are for information purposes only. They do not imply endorsement on my part of specific forms or materials, nor do I receive any type of incentive, reward, or reimbursement for sharing this information.]

Posts to this page come from review of various newsletters, web resources, and suggestions by others. Have you been informed or inspired by a video you've seen lately?
Please email any information you'd like to suggest to ______________..
[NOTE: These suggestions are for information purposes only. They do not imply endorsement on my part of specific materials or practices, nor do I receive any type of incentive, reward, or reimbursement for sharing this information.]
Posts to this page include examples of assessment and intervention forms and materials, such as classroom- and curriculum-based tools, daily progress notes, therapy materials, and software applications, developed or recommended by SLPs around the state.
Please email any materials you'd like to suggest to ______________..
[NOTE: These suggestions are for information purposes only. They do not imply endorsement on my part of specific forms or materials, nor do I receive any type of incentive, reward, or reimbursement for sharing this information.]

Posts to this page include information from most of Shelly's previous workshops, including the presentation, notes, handouts, and related links.
Just click on the workshop title to open the presentation. Links to session handouts and related materials are listed with each workshop.
[NOTE: These workshops are for information purposes only. They do imply endorsement on my part of specific content and materials, but I do not receive any type of incentive, reward, or reimbursement for sharing this information.]